TMS South carries a wide spectrum of plumbing repair parts, plumbing specialty items and hard-to-find plumbing products including tools. The categories on the left allow easy navigation to the parts section you need. Simply click on the plumbing product category and you'll be able to browse the database or catalog and you can even search for the desired products.
The Big Book of Plumbing Specialties is our full-line catalog available in printed form, PDF and as individual category sections in PDF format. Using the categories listed on the left you can browse the catalog pages by section. You can also download the full catalog (PDF, 130MB) if you choose.
Many of our products are listed in the online database. This is a searchable online catalog with relevant product information, catalog location and purchasing information.
TMS South has also developed specialty product lines and catalogs specifically for Fittings and for Security Fixtures & Repair Parts. These catalog can be downloaded as PDF files from the links below.
Plumbing Fixtures & Repair Parts
This specialty catalog contains products specifically designed for installation and repair within secure, penal or holding facilities. Fixtures displayed in this catalog have been designed to prevent concealment, are flame retardant & dampen sound.
Prevention Plumbing
This specialty catalog contains products specific to Backflow Prevention plumbing and repair. You can download the catalog or browse the online database for Backflow products.
Mini Catalog
This specialty catalog contains plumbing fittings including Sharkbite and compression fittings, hose fittings, tubing and pipe. You can download the catalog or browse the online database for Backflow products.